SPOT Leadership Training is designed to provide club and region officer training and general leadership webinars to Junior Civitans all over the globe through online forms of communication. Its focus is to aid in the development of our members’ leadership skills throughout the duration of their time as a Junior Civitan. 

The program is broken up into 2 sections: Officer Training and General Webinars. Training Courses will be inclusive of all club officer training programs. Each officer will complete their respective SPOT Training Course in order to ensure they are equipped to tackle the year that lies ahead. 

General Webinars consist of basic leadership webinars and topics that are open to all Junior Civitans. These webinars can be viewed personally or by clubs or regions as a whole at local meetings, trainings, and conventions whenever one could be useful. 

All SPOT Leadership Training courses and webinars will be pre-recorded and made available on this page so that they can be accessed by our membership year-round. 


Officer Trainings

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