Junior Civitans give back to their communities through a variety of ways! Internationally, we promote four areas of service that we refer to as campaigns: Collection Selection, Environmental Awareness, Social Causes, and Community Engagement. Clubs are encouraged to get creative in how they interpret each campaign.

Many of these campaigns can tie into each other; such as collecting toiletries for the local shelter also ties into a Social Cause campaign, or snow shoveling for the elderly/infirmed can also be a Social Cause campaign.

Some of these campaigns can also be used as fundraising opportunities for the Juniors, such as a patron pays for the leaf raking of their lawn, or for a micro library to be built.

Collection Selection: campaign encourages clubs to partner with a local agency to collect goods that are in need.

Environmental Awareness: projects can range from cleaning local parks or lakes to promoting recycling and its impact on the world. 

Social Causes: campaigns are an effort to bring awareness to a certain cause that is important to the club and its members.

Community Engagement: campaigns are important year-round, but specifically in the fall months, clubs are encouraged to promote the organization and recruit new members.

Has your club completed a service project that you to share with us? Submit it below!