Communities across the globe have different needs and we encourage our clubs to strive to help meet those needs in a variety of ways. From “People First Language” to recycling, domestic violence, anti-bullying, cancer, homelessness, and more–we encourage our Junior Civitans to take action and educate not only themselves, but their peers on the causes that are important to them.

Montgomery County Middle School (Clarksville, TN) advocates for literacy by hiding books around town for the youth of their community to find and enjoy. Other examples of clubs’ social causes that they bring awareness to are domestic violence, breast cancer, people-first language, and many more.

Ideas include:

  • Building micro libraries
  • Reading out loud to children
  • Community gardens/cooking classes
  • Place positive sticky notes on lockers to brighten students’ days.
  • Visit nursing homes—provide refreshments, present programs, send Christmas cards, provide sunshine baskets, have a Valentine’s Party, make tray cards, etc.
  • Host a party or picnic, or work with underprivileged children, or special education groups, at Holidays year round

Does your club have a Social Causes project you think other Junior Civitan clubs would be able to carry out? Submit your club project for a chance to be featured on the Junior Civitan website.